NR/L2/RSE/100/02 ISSUE 2
Acceptance Panel Processes: Safety Verification
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 2 June 2012 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 31 |
This Network Rail module specifies the Safety Verification process required under Network Rail's H&SMS for projects undertaken on Network Rail managed infrastructure as specified in the ROGS regulations and the independent assessment process as required by the CSM on risk evaluation and assessment. This does not specifically include consideration of occupational health and safety which is covered in other Network Rail standards.
This module is applicable to all projects, commencing no later than option selection (GRIP stage 3) for Network Rail managed works and when an asset protection arrangement is put in place for externally implemented works. Clauses 6 to 9 of this module only apply to projects categorised as 2 or 3 in accordance with clause 4.
Those elements of a project that are novel and are to be subject to Network Rail's change management processes, i.e. a System Review Panel (SRP) or product introduction and change, are under the scope of NR/L2/RSE/100/07 or NR/L2/RSE/100/05 respectively, in addition to the processes specified in this module
Where projects are agreed to be authorised under the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations (RIR), such projects may have elements not covered by the RIR and these elements shall be considered for Safety Verification requirements in accordance with this module. This module applies to those elements of such projects covered by ROGS Safety Verification; NR/L2/RSE/100/03 applies to the elements of projects authorised under the RIR.
This module defines the Infrastructure Manager's (IM) process for Safety Verification of projects as required by the Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) (ROGS) regulations. It describes the process to be followed for the categorisation of projects and appointment of a Competent Independent Person (CIP) for projects that change Network Rail managed infrastructure. It also describes the discharge of CIP duties which will be relevant to contracting for such services.
Through the execution of this module Network Rail will discharge its responsibilities for independent Safety Verification as required by the ROGS regulations and the Common Safety Method (CSM) on risk evaluation and assessment.
The purpose of Safety Verification is to assess independently the extent to which Network Rail or third party projects that intend to alter the configuration of Network Rail managed infrastructure are:
• Compliant to relevant legislation
• In accordance with standards (unless deviated with appropriate authority)
• Following the principles and processes set out in the corporate Health and Safety Management System (H&SMS)
• Upholding Network Rail's responsibilities in delivering a railway transport system which is safe so far as is reasonably practicable for the purposes of ongoing operation and maintenance
• Discharging Network Rail's duty of cooperation with other transport operators under the ROGS regulations, and using Railway Group Standard GE/RT8270 as the framework. Appendix E provides guidance on this
• Producing a suitable documentary trail of reviews and decisions to demonstrate that the above items were integral to the project's development and implementation.
Safety Verification reviews the processes and documentation used by a project, but does not, in itself, guarantee that a project is producing a safe railway system. Safety Verification does not absolve clients, sponsors, project managers, project engineers or designers (including specifying engineers or system designers) of their responsibilities to design and implement a railway which is safe so far as is reasonably practicable.
It is part of a suite of processes governed by Network Rail Acceptance Panel (NRAP) to provide appropriate review prior to projects, products and vehicles being brought into service.
The other modules in the suite are: -
NR/L2/RSE/100/01 Network Rail Acceptance Panel
NR/L2/RSE/100/03 Compliance with interoperability regulations for infrastructure projects
NR/L2/RSE/100/04 New and changed vehicles on Network Rail Infrastructure
NR/L2/RSE/100/05 Product introduction and change
NR/L2/RSE/100/06 How to decide what needs product acceptance via NR/L2/RSE/100/05
NR/L2/RSE/100/07 System Review Panels
NOTE Information on roles and responsibilities, and definitions used in this module can be found in NR/L2/RSE/100/01.
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