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IEEE 1722.1

Device Discovery, Connection Management, and Control Protocol for IEEE 1722 Based Devices

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Organization: IEEE
Publication Date: 23 August 2013
Status: active
Page Count: 366

This standard specifies the protocol, device discovery, connection management, and device control procedures used to facilitate interoperability between audio and video based End Stations that use IEEE 1722 based Streams on IEEE 802® based networks.


This standard will facilitate interoperability between End Stations that stream time-sensitive media and data across local area networks providing time synchronization and latency/bandwidth services. This standard defines the device discovery, connection management, Stream setup, control, and teardown protocols.

Document History

November 9, 2021
Device Discovery, Connection Management, and Control Protocol for Time-Sensitive Networking System
This standard specifies the protocol, device discovery, connection management, and device control procedures used to facilitate interoperability between systems that use IEEE 802 time sensitive...
October 23, 2018
IEEE Standard for Device Discovery, Connection Management, and Control Protocol for IEEE 1722 Based Devices Corrigendum 1: Technical and Editorial Corrections
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IEEE 1722.1
August 23, 2013
Device Discovery, Connection Management, and Control Protocol for IEEE 1722 Based Devices
This standard specifies the protocol, device discovery, connection management, and device control procedures used to facilitate interoperability between audio and video based End Stations that use...

