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JSA - JIS Z 2305

Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel

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Organization: JSA
Publication Date: 20 June 2013
Status: active
Page Count: 42
ICS Code (Management of human resources): 03.100.30
ICS Code (Non-destructive testing): 19.100

This Standard specifies requirements for principles for the qualification and certification of personnel who carries out the industrial non-destructive testing (hereafter referred to as "NDT").

The system specified in this Standard can also apply to other NDT methods or to new techniques within an established NDT method, provided a comprehensive scheme of certification exists and the method or technique is covered by international, regional or national standards or the new NDT method or technique has been demonstrated to be effective to the satisfaction of the certification body.

The certification covers proficiency in one or more of the following NDT methods.

a) Acoustic emission testing

b) Eddy current testing

c) Infrared thermographic testing

d) Leak testing (hydraulic pressure tests are excluded.)

e) Magnetic testing

f) Penetrant testing

g) Radiographic testing h) Strain gauge testing

i) Ultrasonic testing j) Visual testing (direct unaided visual tests and visual tests carried out during application of another NDT method are excluded.)

NOTE 1 The term "industrial" implies the exclusion of applications in the field of medicine.

NOTE 2 CEN/TR 14748 [4] can be used as guidance.

NOTE 3 This Standard specifies requirements for what are, in effect, third party conformity assessment schemes.

These requirements do not directly apply to conformity assessment by second parties or first parties, but relevant parts of this Standard can be referred to in such arrangements.

NOTE 4 The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the symbol of degree of correspondence are as follows.

ISO 9712: 2012 Non-destructive testing-Qualification and certification of NDT personnel (MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT (identical), MOD (modified), and NEQ (not equivalent) according to ISO/ lEC Guide 21-1.

Document History

JIS Z 2305
June 20, 2013
Non-destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
This Standard specifies requirements for principles for the qualification and certification of personnel who carries out the industrial non-destructive testing (hereafter referred to as "NDT"). The...
April 20, 2001
Non-Destructive Testing - Qualification and Certification of Personnel
A description is not available for this item.

