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Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) - Policy

Organization: NR
Publication Date: 7 June 2014
Status: inactive
Page Count: 27

This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP Lifecycle, its stages, its Stage Gate Reviews and its Peer Reviews.

This standard is applicable to all projects that enhance or renew the operational railway, and to projects that are carried out in a High Street environment (for example, car park developments) where Investment Approval is required, as defined within IR01, Investment Regulations.

NOTE 1: IR01, Investment Regulations, is available on Connect (IR01 is an internal document available to staff within Network Rail only):


NOTE 2: Please see the following link for definitions of Projects, Programmes, and Portfolios in Network Rail.



"Governance for Railway Investment Projects" (GRIP) describes how Network Rail manages and controls projects that enhance or renew the national rail network.

Network Rail has developed this approach to managing projects in order to minimise and mitigate the risks associated with delivering projects that enhance or renew the operational railway and projects in a High Street environment.

The approach is based on best practice within industries that undertake major infrastructure projects and practice recommended by the major professional bodies. These include the Office of Government Commerce (OGC), the Association of Project Management (APM) and the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).

Document History

September 2, 2017
Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) - Projects (formerly NR/L1/INI/PM/GRIP/100)
This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP for projects lifecycle, its stages, stage gate reviews and the six core level 3 standards required to manage a project throughout the lifecycle. This...
Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) – Policy
This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP lifecycle, its stages, and its stage gate reviews. This standard is applicable to all projects that enhance or renew the operational railway, and to...
June 7, 2014
Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) - Policy
This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP Lifecycle, its stages, its Stage Gate Reviews and its Peer Reviews. This standard is applicable to all projects that enhance or renew the operational...
Governance for Railway Investment Projects (GRIP) - Policy
This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP Lifecycle, its stages, its Stage Gate Reviews and its Peer Reviews. This standard is applicable to all projects that enhance or renew the operational...
Governance for Railway Investment Projects (Grip) - Policy Manual
This Network Rail standard specifies the GRIP Lifecycle, its stages, its Stage Gate Reviews and its Peer Reviews. This standard is applicable to all projects that enhance or renew the operational...

