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ETSI - TR 102 375

Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Guidelines for determining the parts of satellite earth station antenna radiation patterns concerned by the geostationary satellite orbit protection

Organization: ETSI
Publication Date: 1 February 2005
Status: inactive
Page Count: 86

The present document provides a method for the determination of the range of off-axis directions which could be oriented towards the visible part of GSO according to the following operational parameters:

1) the range of operational latitudes of the ES;

2) the minimum antenna main beam axis elevation;

3) the type of antenna mount used (e.g. azimuth-elevation, equatorial);

4) the alignment accuracy of the antenna mount axes;

5) the minimum East-West offset angle, relative to the satellite position, on the GSO from which protection of the GSO arc is required; and

6) in the case of an antenna designed for operation with a specific list of satellites, the minimum distance of the antenna to the sub-satellite points at the surface of the Earth.

These operational parameters are either:

• specified within the standard (e.g. the minimum antenna main beam axis elevation is equal to 7°); or

• declared by the applicant; or

• indicated within the user documentation.

Document History

August 1, 2007
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Guidelines for determining the parts of satellite earth station antenna radiation patterns concerned by the geostationary satellite orbit protection
A description is not available for this item.
TR 102 375
February 1, 2005
Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES); Guidelines for determining the parts of satellite earth station antenna radiation patterns concerned by the geostationary satellite orbit protection
The present document provides a method for the determination of the range of off-axis directions which could be oriented towards the visible part of GSO according to the following operational...

