CSA/AM - ANSI Z21.60B-2004/CSA 2.26B-2004
Decorative Gas Appliances for Installation in Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces
Organization: | CSA/AM |
Publication Date: | 1 December 2004 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 137 |
The standards set forth herein apply to the second edition of the Standard for Decorative Gas Appliances For Installation In Solid-Fuel Burning Fireplaces, ANSI 221.60-2003 CSA 2.26-2003, ANSI Z21.60a-2003 CSA 2.26a-2003 and supersede corresponding standards therein. Following their preparation by the supervising Technical Advisory Group, they were accepted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Interprovincial Gas Advisory Council (IGAC), and subsequently approved.
NOTE: Changes, other than editorial, are denoted by a vertical line in the margin.
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