NAVY - BUPERS 1710.16
Organization: | NAVY |
Publication Date: | 28 October 1993 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 101 |
The policy of the Navy is to provide naval personnel and their family members with programs which effectively contribute to their quality of life. The Navy recognizes the importance of the fleet recreation program in enhancing morale, enriching leisure time, and improving the fitness of personnel assigned to the fleet. The policy and guidance set forth in this instruction are applicable to all ships maintaining a ship recreation fund.
a. Enclosure (1) provides guidance for the administration of the afloat recreation program.
b. Enclosure (2) provides guidance for the financial management of the afloat recreation program.
c. Policy and guidance for the procurement and management of shipboard recreation property is contained in enclosure (3).
d. Enclosure (4) provides guidance for the uses of appropriated and nonappropriated shipboard funds.
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