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CEI EN 61496-1

Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests

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Organization: CEI
Publication Date: 1 September 2014
Status: active
Page Count: 104
ICS Code (Other electrical equipment for working in special conditions): 29.260.99
ICS Code (Safety of machinery): 13.110

This part of IEC 61496 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as part of a safety related system. Special attention is directed to functional and design requirements that ensure an appropriate safety-related performance is achieved. An ESPE may include optional safety-related functions, the requirements for which are given in Annex A.

The particular requirements for specific types of sensing function are given in other parts of this standard.

This standard does not specify the dimensions or configuration of the detection zone and its disposition in relation to hazards in any particular application, nor what constitutes a hazardous state of any machine. It is restricted to the functioning of the ESPE and how it interfaces with the machine.

While a data interface can be used to control optional safety-related ESPE functions (Annex A), this standard does not provide specific requirements. Requirements for these safety-related functions can be determined by consulting other standards (for example, IEC 61508, IEC/TS 62046, IEC 62061, and ISO13849-1).

This standard may be relevant to applications other than those for the protection of persons, for example for the protection of machinery or products from mechanical damage. In those applications, different requirements can be necessary, for example when the materials that have to be recognized by the sensing function have different properties from those of persons.

This standard does not deal with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) emission requirements.

Document History

June 1, 2021
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests
This part of IEC 61496 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons or...
July 1, 2015
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests
A description is not available for this item.
CEI EN 61496-1
September 1, 2014
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests
This part of IEC 61496 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as...
May 1, 2014
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests
This part of IEC 61496 specifies general requirements for the design, construction and testing of non-contact electro-sensitive protective equipment (ESPE) designed specifically to detect persons as...
May 1, 2010
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment Part 1: General requirements and tests
La presente Variante recepisce il Corrigendum CENELEC del febbraio 2010 all'Allegato ZZ che precisa quali requisiti essenziali della Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE sono soddisfatti dalla Norma.
April 1, 2009
Part 1: General requirements and tests
La presente Variante modifica principalmente l’art. 4, che tratta le prescrizioni di funzionamento delle interfacce dei dati relativi alla sicurezza e delle interfacce di comunicazione relative alla...
January 1, 2009
Part 1: General requirements and tests
La presente Variante modifica principalmente l’art. 4, che tratta le prescrizioni di funzionamento delle interfacce dei dati relativi alla sicurezza e delle interfacce di comunicazione relative alla...
November 1, 2005
Safety of machinery - Electro-sensitive protective equipment - Part 1: General requirements and tests
La presente Parte specifica le prescrizioni generali per la progettazione, la costruzione e le prove, nonché le prescrizioni funzionali, di apparecchi elettrosensibili di protezione (ESPE) senza...
October 1, 1998
Sicurezza del macchinario - Apparecchi elettrosensibili di protezione - Parte 1: Prescrizioni generali e prove
La presente Norma specifica le prescrizioni generali relative al progetto, alla costruzione e alla verifica degli apparecchi elettrosensibili di protezione (ESPE) per la sicurezza delle macchine....

