LUL - S1023
Infrastructure Protection
Organization: | LUL |
Publication Date: | 1 November 2015 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 23 |
This Standard applies to the following activities undertaken by LU in connection with Outside Parties:-
a) dealing with the movement of abnormal loadsnotified under the Road Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 Regulations and Special Order Vehicles in accordance with Section 44 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.
The effect of the movement of vehicles complying with the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 does not fall within the scope of this standard.
This standard also covers Outside Parties applying static abnormal loads to LU structures (either directly or indirectly), such as crane outrigger loads. The standard does not apply to the approval of static abnormal loads on LU structures resulting from a LU project. In this case, the project has to satisfy themselves through the assurance process and other LU Standards that there will be no adverse impact from these loads.
b) dealing with notices under the New Roads andStreetworks Act 1991, the Traffic Management Act 2004 and other streetworks enquiries.
Due to the location of LU's railways under streets and footpaths together with the use made by Statutory Undertakers of bridges spanning the railway to carry their services there is a constant threat of damage occurring to the railway or its infrastructure when Statutory Undertakers or Local Authorities and occasionally other organisations undertake works within the streets and footpaths. This standard covers the management and monitoring of these works, particularly where there are shallow structures or other issues that would make the site a Street of Engineering Difficulty under the terms of the 1991 Act.
This standard does not absolve the Power PFI contractor of their obligations under the New Roads and Streetworks Act. LU will not process notices that may impact on Power PFI assets, although any such notices received will be passed on the Power PFI team. This standard does not cover streetworks in connection with LU projects. The LU project team shall ensure that streetworks are undertaken in a manner that does not adversely impact on LU structures and will attend any meeting required by the Highway Authority. Any structural works by a LU project to accommodate supplies or services shall be undertaken to the relevant LU Standards.
c) dealing with enquiries regarding the location and nature of LU's assets from Outside Parties. These enquires are often the first recognition of a potential development or works and a record of the interest is useful in tracking progress of these Works;
d) reviewing and responding to planning applications submitted to local authorities by Outside Parties for developments in the vicinity of the railway;
e) patrolling the railway route to identify works that could affect LU assets and operations that have not otherwise previously been identified to LU;
f) liaison with Outside Parties during the inception, design and delivery of projects to facilitate works around the railway, agree designs, methods of construction and monitoring of site activities that could affect LU assets and operations. This activity is known as dealing with Outside Parties Works.
LU has no specific powers to require Outside Parties wishing to undertake work on their own land to do so in any specified manner, unless that land has a restrictive covenant in favour of LU. LU does, however, have a clear interest in seeking to influence such works to be done in a way that takes account of all possible interfaces with the railway.
g) granting Licences to Outside Parties and providing advice to other LU departments such as Legal and Property in the preparation of Development Agreements, Vesting documents, Leases and similar legal agreements.
This Standard also applies to the identification of LU assets vulnerable to unintentional (accidental) actions of a third party, the effects of climate change to LU assets and the control of any resulting External Risks. These activities may include mapping, risk appraisal, monitoring of assets, consultation with and provision of information to relevant LU departments and other interested parties (for example, Local Authorities, the Office of Rail Regulation and the Bridge Strike Prevention Group).
LU standards and assurance processes do not apply to Outside Parties working on land that is not owned by LU, unless they have contracted to do so through a Development Agreement, Lease or similar agreement. The LU Infrastructure Protection (IP) Engineer must however apply the principle of engineering standards as appropriate to protect LU assets and operations. The LU IP Engineer must act reasonably in applying standards, recognising that the Outside Party is not bound to comply unless there is a statutory requirement.
Where an Outside Party wishes to undertake work on LU land then LU has powers to require the works to be undertaken in a specified manner. Under these circumstances the LU IP Engineer will advise the Outside Party of the relevant LU standards appropriate to the nature and scope of the works and will require the Outside Party to comply with them.
The purpose of this Standard is to define how LU deal with Outside Parties to avoid disruption to LU operations or damage to LU assets when undertaking or proposing to undertake works on, over, under or adjacent to LU assets. Outside Parties are individuals, developers, contractors, etc. who are not procured by LU or their suppliers. The Standard also covers the requirement for LU to consider external risks.