ACI 549.5R
Report on Spray-Up and Continuous Strand Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (GFRC)
Organization: | ACI |
Publication Date: | 1 March 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 32 |
This report provides practical information about alkaliresistant (AR) glass fiber-reinforced concrete (GFRC), including a comprehensive compilation of international data and references oriented toward increasing the awareness of producers, engineers, architects, and end users about GFRC technology and its use in a variety of applications. The fundamental principles of materials, mixture proportions, properties, manufacturing processes, and applications of GFRC are reviewed in this report. This report offers an overview of current design practices with references to design guides. The various industrial applications of GFRC include architectural panels, permanent formwork, utility poles, textilereinforced concrete, and standard panel products.