This document references:
TM-650 2.3.10B - Flammability of Laminate
Published by IPC
December 1, 1994
This test method is designed to determine the degree of flame resistance of metal-clad or unclad laminate. It is intended for use on laminate of thicknesses 0.51 mm [0.020 inch] and greater.
This document references:
TM-650 - Resin Content of Prepreg, by Treated Weight
Published by IPC
December 1, 1994
This method is designed to determine the resin content of a prepreg without removing the resin from the reinforcement. The basis weight of the fabric must be known. This method is applicable to both...
This document references:
TM-650 - Treated Weight of Prepreg
Published by IPC
December 1, 1994
This method is designed for determining the treated weight of a specific area of prepreg. Treated weight is an alternative to Resin Content Percent as a means of determining the usability and...
This document references:
TM-650 2.3.16B - Resin Content of Prepreg, by Burn-Off
Published by IPC
December 1, 1994
This method is designed to determine the resin content of a prepreg without removing the resin from the reinforcement. The basis weight of the fabric must be known. This method is applicable to both...
This document is referenced by:
IPC-TM-650 - Thermal Shock, Thermal Cycle and Continuity
Published by IPC
March 1, 2020
This method subjects unpopulated test specimens (samples) to sudden, extreme changes in temperature in order to evaluate the quality of interconnects formed during the manufacturing processes....