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Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes: Application of the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment

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Organization: NR
Publication Date: 5 December 2015
Status: active
Page Count: 25


The scope of this module is:

a) infrastructure and operational changes to the railways for which Network Rail is Infrastructure Manager as defined in ROGS; and

b) changes to vehicles where Network Rail is identified as the Entity in Charge of Maintenance as defined in ROGS. The significance of changes to NSC vehicles is determined in accordance with procedure PE-MS-005. A summary of all vehicle changes and significance decisions is reported annually to NRAP.

This standard is applicable to projects from their inception i.e. GRIP stage 0.

The risk management process under CSM-RA as defined in this module can be used by the principal designer to discharge their duties under the CDM Regulations 2015.

The application of the CSM-RA Regulation to organisational change is not within scope, this is covered by NR/L2/HSS/020 SafetyValidation of Organisational and Safety Management System Change.


The purpose of this module is to define Network Rail's arrangements for complying with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 402/2013, the Regulation on a common safety method for risk evaluation and assessment, referred to here on as the CSM-RA Regulation.

The module does not duplicate the CSM-RA Regulation, or any of the wide range of guidance available from the European Railway Agency (ERA), the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) and the Railway Safety and Standards Board (RSSB). Users are advised to consult these sources when complying with this module. The following provide details on the CSM-RA Risk Management Process:

  • ORR Guidance: Common Safety Method for risk evaluation and assessment (see ORR website);
  • GE/GN8640 series. Railway Industry Guidance Notes covering all aspects of the CSM-RA Regulation.

This module is part of a suite of processes governed by NRAP to provide appropriate review of projects, products and vehicles. Some elements of projects e.g. aspects that are novel, introducing new products, or may have interoperability requirements, might also come within scope of other modules in this suite.

The other modules in the suite are:

NR/L2/RSE/100/01 Network Rail Assurance Panel

NR/L2/RSE/100/03 The application of the interoperability regulations for infrastructure projects

NR/L2/RSE/100/04 Introduction of new or changed vehicles

NR/L2/RSE/100/05 Product introduction and change

NR/L2/RSE/100/06 How to decide what needs product acceptance via NR/L2/RSE/100/05

NR/L2/RSE/100/07 System Review Panels

NOTE 1 Information on roles and responsibilities, and definitions used in this module can be found in NR/L2/RSE/100/01.

NOTE 2 The CSM-RA Regulation is a part of a suite of Common Safety Methods. The others are listed below but do not form part of the scope of this standard.

  • CSM on Monitoring
  • CSM on Supervision
  • CSM on assessing conformity with the requirements for obtaining Safety Certificates
  • CSM on assessing conformity with the requirements for obtaining Safety Authorisations
  • CSM on assessment of achievement of Safety Targets

Document History

December 4, 2021
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes: Application of the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment
Overview The scope of this module is a change to the railway system affecting safety: a) infrastructure and operational changes to the railways for which Network Rail is Infrastructure Manager,...
December 5, 2015
Network Rail Assurance Panel Processes: Application of the Common Safety Method for Risk Evaluation and Assessment
Overview The scope of this module is: a) infrastructure and operational changes to the railways for which Network Rail is Infrastructure Manager as defined in ROGS; and b) changes to vehicles...
Acceptance Panel Processes: Safety Verification
This Network Rail module specifies the Safety Verification process required under Network Rail's H&SMS for projects undertaken on Network Rail managed infrastructure as specified in the ROGS...
December 3, 2011
Safety Verification
This Network Rail module specifies the Safety Verification process required under Network Rail's H&SMS for projects undertaken on Network Rail managed infrastructure as specified in the ROGS...

