DOT - FAA-G-2100
Organization: | DOT |
Publication Date: | 9 May 2005 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 95 |
This specification is the technical baseline for ground based electronic equipment acquired for applications in the National Airspace System (NAS). This specification defines the conditions under which electronic equipment must operate satisfactorily and reliably: identifies acceptable fabrication materials and processes, selection and application of parts, installation of equipment, and methods to verify electronic equipment meets requirements. Individual electronic equipment specifications must identify applicable requirements of this specification. This specification is intended for use in the procurement of all electronics hardware, prototype systems, developmental equipment or commercial off the shelf integrated systems, delivered in any quantity to satisfy an established air traffic need or proof of concept configuration.
intended Use:
This specification is to be used in conjunction with the equipment specification to establish the procurement requirements. This specification is not to be invoked on a blanket basis in equipment... View More