Insulating liquids - Unused modified or blended esters for electrotechnical applications
Organization: | CENELEC |
Publication Date: | 1 July 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 28 |
ICS Code (Insulating oils): | 29.040.10 |
This document defines requirements for the characterization of unused modified esters or blends of unused esters used as insulating liquids for electrotechnical applications. It does not cover liquids that contain any proportion of used liquids.
The liquids covered by this document are intended mainly for transformer applications.
Unused modified/synthetized
As it addresses various categories of liquids, this document also covers a wide range of values for certain performance characteristics. An important property is viscosity, which can affect the design and cooling performance of electrical equipment. A categorization is defined based on the kinematic viscosity of the different liquids. The category of low viscosity ester liquids is established.