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Engineering Assurance of Building & Civil Engineering Works (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)

Organization: NR
Publication Date: 4 June 2011
Status: inactive
Page Count: 25

This standard applies to the following types of Works undertaken on Building and Civil Engineering infrastructure (including Building Services) owned, or to be owned, by Network Rail.

1 Enhancements.

2 Replacement.

3 Repair Works - except where the Design of these is incorporated into the Project Requirements Specification (or similar specification provided by the Asset Manager) and there is no plan to appoint a Designer for implementation.

4 Emergency Works.

5 Temporary Works to facilitate the construction of permanent Works or staged construction, or to provide access for examination and inspection - and where such Works could have the same impact as permanent Works.

This standard applies to Works undertaken by Network Rail on Building and Civil Engineering infrastructure (including Building Services) owned by an Outside Party. This standard also applies to the Works undertaken on Outside Party infrastructure that is on, over or under Network Rail's infrastructure and where the Outside Party does not have an equivalent procedure to that defined in clause 5 (of this standard) for such Works. The procedure defined in the Technical Approval of Highway Structures (Design Manual for Roads and Bridges: Department for Transport) is considered to be equivalent.

Network Rail has no power to enforce the requirements of this standard on Works undertaken on Outside Party infrastructure which lies entirely outside Network Rail's infrastructure - whether or not such Works could affect railway operations. Nonetheless, for such Works, reasonable endeavours can be followed to apply the requirements of this standard or to obtain confirmation from the Outside Party that there is an equivalent procedure to that defined in clause 5 (of this standard) in place.

This standard does not apply to:

1 Consents or approvals from bodies outside Network Rail including;

• regulatory and statutory authorities

• planning, listed building and conservation authorities

• environmental agencies

• land and property owners or leaseholders

• statutory undertakers and other public services and utilities owners.

2 Obtaining approvals for the New Roads and Street Works Act.

3 Obtaining approval from other Network Rail engineering disciplines for the equipment carried by Equipment Support Structures (such as for signal sighting and reduced clearances) or for the performance of that equipment.

4 Non-structural aspects of Building Works (other than Building Services) - such as the general layout, means of escape, architectural fixtures and finishes - unless the Project Requirement Specifications requires such aspects to be covered in the submission of NR/L2/CIV/003/F004: Architectural and layout acceptance.

Assessments of structures.


The purpose of this standard is to define the engineering assurance requirements for the Design and Construction of Works undertaken on Building and Civil Engineering infrastructure.

Document History

December 2, 2023
Engineering and Architectural Assurance of Building and Civil Engineering Works
2.1 Types of Assets This business process applies to the following types of Network Rail assets: NOTE 1: These assets are otherwise known as Buildings & Civils (B&C) infrastructure and are defined...
December 4, 2021
Engineering and Architectural Assurance of Building and Civil Engineering Works - This standard should only be used for reference to ensure 'The Control of Risk' until the compliance date of its replacement standard is reached, upon which this standard will be withdrawn. The development of all new processes and procedures should be to the replacement standard
Types of Assets  This business process applies to the following types of Network Rail assets: NOTE 1: These assets are otherwise known as B&C infrastructure and are defined in NR/L1/CIV/001: a)...
September 5, 2020
Engineering and Architectural Assurance of Building and Civil Engineering Works
Types of Assets This business process applies to these types of assets: NOTE 1: These assets are otherwise known as B&C infrastructure and are defined in NR/L1/CIV/032 (Structures and Tunnels),...
December 1, 2018
Engineering and Architectural Assurance of Building and Civil Engineering Works (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)
Types of Assets This business process applies to these types of assets: NOTE: These assets are otherwise known as B&C infrastructure and are defined in NR/L1/CIV/032 (Structures and Tunnels),...
June 2, 2012
Engineering Assurance of Building & Civil Engineering Works (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)
Forms NR/L2/CIV/003/F002 and NR/L2/CIV/003/F003 have been updated on 19 February 2015
June 4, 2011
Engineering Assurance of Building & Civil Engineering Works (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)
This standard applies to the following types of Works undertaken on Building and Civil Engineering infrastructure (including Building Services) owned, or to be owned, by Network Rail. 1...
April 3, 2004
Technical Approval of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Civil Engineering Infrastructure (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)
This Specification applies to Permanent Way, Structures (including equipment support Structures), structural aspects of Buildings, and other Civil Engineering Infrastructure owned or to be owned by...
October 1, 2001
Technical Approval of Design, Construction and Maintenance of Civil Engineering Infrastructure (aka NR/SP/CIV/003)
This Specification applies to Permanent Way, Structures (including equipment support Structures), Buildings, and other Civil Engineering Infrastructure owned or to be owned by Railtrack. PURPOSE...

