NAVY - OPNAV 1752.1C
Organization: | NAVY |
Publication Date: | 13 August 2015 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 138 |
a. All Navy personnel are responsible for understanding Navy's sexual assault policy, the penalties and consequences for engaging in any form of sexual assault, and the adverse impact of sexual assault on unit and Navy mission accomplishment. Navy personnel must not:
(1) Commit sexual assault or other acts of sexual misconduct, in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ);
(2) Retaliate or take reprisal against a person who provides information on an incident of alleged sexual assault;
(3) Knowingly make a false accusation of a sexual assault; or
(4) Condone or ignore sexual assaults.
b. All Navy personnel must be made aware of Navy's policy regarding retaliation and reprisal outlined in reference (e). First responders must be alert to the potential presence of retaliation in sexual assault cases, its impact on victims who file reports, and procedures for reporting suspected violations to the proper authority.
c. Waivers will not be granted for commissioning or enlistment in the Navy when the person has a qualifying conviction for a crime of sexual assault or is required to be registered as a sex offender, per OPNAVINST 1752.3.
d. A flag officer must review the circumstances of and grounds for the proposed involuntary separation of a Service member who reports a sexual assault and is later recommended for involuntary separation within 1 year of final disposition of the reported incident.
e. Specific assessments of SAPR programs must be included in all command inspections and area visits, ensuring that subordinate inspectors general include SAPR program assessments in respective unit-level inspection programs.
Purpose. This instruction establishes internal Navy policy only and is not intended to, nor does it, create any rights, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by any victim, witness, suspect, accused, or other person in any matter, civil or criminal, and places no limits on the lawful prerogatives of the Navy or its officials.