Requirements for Flexible Rubber Pipe Assemblies and Bellows for Use in Systems from Vacuum to 20 Bar
Organization: | MODUK |
Publication Date: | 28 September 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 66 |
This Defence Standard (Def Stan) defines the basic requirements, for design, construction, testing and installation of smooth-bore flexible pipe assemblies and bellows for use in systems from vacuum to 20bar up to 200mm nominal size (metric) and five (5) inch nominal size (imperial).
In addition, flexible bellows up to 350mm nominal size (metric) and twelve (12) inch nominal size (imperial).
This Def Stan is applicable to HM Shoreside Training Establishments, HM Surface Ships, Submarines; Ship and Submarine systems including weapon systems and equipment, but Def Stan 02-374 covers requirements specifically relating to submarine flexibles.
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