CJCSI 6240.01E
Organization: | CJCS |
Publication Date: | 13 August 2012 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 16 |
Purpose. This instruction sets policy and outlines Combatant Command, Service, and Defense Agency (C/S/A) responsibilities with regard to the Joint Tactical Operations (JTO) Interface Training Program.
Applicability. This instruction applies to all C/S/As involved in JTO and Multi-Tactical Data Link Network (MTN) operations. The scope of the JTO and MTN operations includes interoperability within the J-series family of tactical data links (TDLs), including Link 16, Situational Awareness Data Link (SADL), Link 22, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Improved Link Eleven (NILE), Variable Message Format (VMF), Common Message Format (CMF), Integrated Broadcast Service (IBS), and Interim Joint Tactical Information Distribution Systems (JTIDS) Message Specification (IJMS). The training focuses on Joint Interface Control Officer (JICO) prerequisite knowledge and skills for integration and interoperability of TDL within the MTN to contribute to the Common Tactical Picture (CTP), and planning and management of tactical data through gateways or extended interfaces to support the Joint Data Network (JDN), and the Department of Defense (DoD) networks. The interface also includes legacy data links, including, but not limited to, Link 11 A/B, NATO Link 1, Link 4, and Army TDL (ATDL) 1. Finally, JTO encompasses planning, management, and coordination of systems for TDL and U.S. Message Text Format (USMTF).