NPFC - MIL-PRF-38535
Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 14 March 1995 |
Status: | inactive |
Page Count: | 126 |
This specification establishes the general performance requirements for integrated circuits or microcircuits and the quality and reliability assurance requirements which must be met for their acquisition. The intent of this specification is to allow the device manufacturer the flexibility to implement best commercial practices to the maximum extent possible while still providing product which meets the military performance needs. Detail requirements, specific characteristics of microcircuits, and other provisions which are sensitive to the particular use intended will be specified in the device procurement specification. Quality assurance requirements outlined herein are for all microcircuits built on a manufacturing line which is controlled through a manufacturer's quality management (QM) program and has been certified and qualified in accordance with requirements herein. A single level of product assurance (including radiation hardness assurance (RHA)) is provided for in this specification. The certification and qualification sections found herein outline the requirements to be met by a manufacturer to be listed on a Qualified Manufacturer Listing (QML). After listing of a technology flow on a QML, the manufacturer must continually meet or improve the established baseline of certified and qualified procedures, the QM program, the manufacturer's review system, the status reporting and quality and reliability assurance requirements for all QML products. The manufacturer may present alternate methods of addressing the requirements contained in this document. This specification requires a manufacturer to establish a process flow baseline. If sufficient quality and reliability data is available, the manufacturer, through the QM program and the manufacturer's review system, may modify substitute or delete tests. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Defense Electronics Supply Center, 1507 Wilmington Pike, Dayton, OH 45444-5765 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.
intended Use:
This specification is intended to support Government microcircuit application and logistic programs. Detailed characteristics of microcircuits needed for a program are to be defined by the device... View More
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