Signals Passed at Danger (SPAD) and Signal Reversions Affecting Trains
Organization: | NR |
Publication Date: | 7 September 2019 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 22 |
This policy contains the requirements for Network Rail as an Infrastructure Manager for managing movements:
a) resulting in a SPAD or signal reversion on Network Rail Managed Infrastructure; and
b) on another party's infrastructure which leads or may lead to a SPAD when entering onto Network Rail's Managed Infrastructure.
The policy details the:
a) actions required when dealing with
• Signals or End of Authority Passed at Danger (SPAD); and
• Signal Reversions.
b) subsequent management of such unauthorised movements and signal reversion incidents within Network Rail and in conjunction with Railway Undertakings.
This standard is supplemented by functional procedures, which detail the requirements and responsibilities for the reporting of event data and subsequent actions.
The purpose of this standard is, in accordance with the requirements applicable to an Infrastructure Manager, to provide a consistent and structured process for the immediate actions required in dealing with SPADs or Movement Authority's passed without authority, gathering evidence following a SPAD incident and subsequent management of SPAD issues within Network Rail and in conjunction with Railway Undertakings.
This standard is supplemented by functional procedures, which detail the requirements and responsibilities for the reporting of event data and subsequent actions.
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