Organization: | NPFC |
Publication Date: | 30 November 2016 |
Status: | active |
Page Count: | 21 |
Purpose. This standard establishes uniform methods and procedures for testing semiconductor devices suitable for use within Military and Aerospace electronic systems. The methods and procedures in the various parts of this standard cover basic environmental, physical, and electrical tests to determine resistance to deleterious effects of natural elements and conditions surrounding military and space operations. For the purpose of this standard, the term "devices" includes such items as transistors, diodes, voltage regulators, rectifiers, tunnel diodes, and other related parts. This standard is intended to apply only to semiconductor devices. The test methods and procedures described in the various parts of this multipart test method standard have been prepared to serve several purposes:
a. To specify suitable conditions obtainable in the laboratory that give test results equivalent to the actual service conditions existing in the field and to obtain reproducibility of the results of tests. The test methods described by this standard are not to be interpreted as an exact and conclusive representation of actual service operation in any one geographic location since it is known that the only true test for operation in a specific location is an actual service test at that point.
b. To describe, in a series of standards, all of the test methods of a similar character which now appear in the various joint-services semiconductor device specifications so that these test methods may be kept uniform and thus result in conservation of equipment, man-hours, and testing facilities. In achieving this objective, it is necessary to make each of the general test methods adaptable to a broad range of devices.
c. The test methods described by this standard for environmental, physical, and electrical testing of semiconductor devices shall also apply, when applicable, to parts not covered by an approved military sheet-form standard, specification sheet, or drawing.
Numbering system. The test methods are designated by numbers assigned in accordance with the following system.
Classification of tests. The test methods are divided into five areas and are contained in five parts of this multipart test method standard. Test methods numbered 1000 to 1999 inclusive, cover environmental tests and are in MIL-STD-750-1. Test methods numbered 2000 to 2999 inclusive, cover mechanical- characteristics tests and are in MIL-STD-750-2. Electrical- characteristics tests are covered in two groups; 3000 to 3999 inclusive, cover test methods for transistors (see MIL-STD-750-3) and 4000 to 4999 inclusive, cover test methods for diodes (see MIL-STD-750-4). Test methods numbered 5000 to 5999 inclusive, are for high reliability space applications and are in MIL-STD-750-5.
Test method revisions. Test method revisions are numbered consecutively using a period to separate the test method number and the revision number. For example, test method 1001.2 is the first revision of test method 1001.
Method of reference. Test methods contained in this multipart test method standard should be referenced, when applicable, in the individual specification, specification sheet, or procurement documents by specifying the test method number and the details required in the summary of the applicable method. The basic standard should be referenced and not the individual part or parts of this standard (see 5.3). To avoid the necessity for changing documents that refer to this standard, the revision number of a test method should not be used when referencing individual test methods. For example, use 1001 as a reference versus 1001.2.
intended Use:
The intended use of this standard is to establish appropriate conditions for testing semiconductor devices to give test results that simulate the actual service conditions existing in the field.... View More
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