DS/EN 740/A1
Title: Anaesthetic workstations and their modules - Particular requirements
Organization: DS
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 8670-2
Title: Ostomy collection bags - Part 2: Requirements and test methods (ISO 8670-2:1996)
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN 12885:1999
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for cell disrupters
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 7493
Title: Dentistry - Operator's stool
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 9703-3
Title: Anaesthesia and respiratory care alarm signals - Part 3: Guidance on application of alarms
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NF S99-137
Title: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - Early approach for integration - Service commitments
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
FD X40-501
Title: Protection - Termites - Buildings protection against termite infestation
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
DIN EN 13311-2
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for vessels - Part 2: Pressure protection devices; German version EN 13311-2:2001
Organization: DIN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 14408:2005
Title: Tracheal tubes designed for laser surgery - Requirements for marking and accompanying information (ISO 14408:2005)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 12761-1
Title: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors; Environmental protection - Part 1: General; German version EN 12761-1:2001
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 8669-2
Title: Urine Collection Bags - Part 2: Requirements and Test Methods
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
HD 395.2.13 S1
Title: Medical Electrical Equipment Part 2: Particular Requirements for the Safety of Anaesthetic Machines
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 1989
Status: Active
NS 9410:2000
Title: Environmental monitoring of marine fish farms (Corrigendum AC:2000 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 9187-1:1999
Title: Injection equipment for medical use - Part 1: Ampoules for injectables (ISO 9187-1:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
VG 96074
Title: Medical instruments; elevator type Freer
Organization: DIN
Year: 1988
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 11144:1996
Title: Dental equipment - Connections for supply and waste lines (ISO 11144:1995)
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
Title: List of Bodies Notified under Directive 90/385/EEC Active Implantable Medical Devices
Organization: EU
Year: 1996
Status: Active
DIN 58940-82
Title: Medical microbiology - Susceptibility testing of microbial pathogens to antimicrobial agents - Part 82: Microdilution; Special requirements for testing of fastidious bacteria
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
EN 14561
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative carrier test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity for instruments used in the medical area - Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 2)
Organization: CEN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
SN EN 554
Title: Sterilization of medical devices - Validation and routine control of sterilization by moist heat
Organization: SNV
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NF ISO 18232
Title: Health informatics - Messages and communication - Format of length limited globally unique string identifiers
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN 552:1994/A1:1999
Title: Amendment A1 - Sterilization of medical devices - Validation and routine control of sterilization by irradiation
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 13311-5
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for vessels - Part 5: Kill tanks; German version EN 13311-5:2001
Organization: DIN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
SN EN 1275
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic fungicidal or basic yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Test method an...
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
EN ISO 1562
Title: Dentistry - Casting gold alloys
Organization: CEN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DS/EN ISO 1561
Title: Dental casting wax
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7494:1997
Title: Dental units (ISO 7494:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 14593
Title: Water quality - Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium - Method by analysis of inorganic carbon in sealed vessels (CO<sub>2</sub> headspace test) (IS...
Organization: DIN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 9914
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of refractive index of contact lens materials
Organization: DS
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DIN 58962-3
Title: Medical microbiology - Diagnosis of infections of the lower respiratory tract - Part 3: Cultural examination for the detection of bacteria and fungi
Organization: DIN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
EN 1281-2
Title: Anaesthetic and Respiratory Equipment - Conical Connectors - Part 2: Screw-Threaded Weight-Bearing Connectors
Organization: CEN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NF U51-151
Title: Agricultural drainage. Corrugated unplasticized PVC pipes. Determination of dimensional characteristics.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1985
Status: Active
DIN 58910-2
Title: Haemostaseology - Determination of thromboplastin (prothrombin) time - Part 2: Reference measurement procedure for the determination in citrated venous blood
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 11143
Title: Dental equipment - Amalgam separators (ISO 11143:1999)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS 1163:1966
Title: Plantpots of peat
Organization: SN
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 18369-4:2006
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses - Part 4: Physicochemical properties of contact lens materials (ISO 18369-4:2006)
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 11499:1999
Title: Dental cartridges for local anaesthetics (ISO 11499:1997)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7197:2006
Title: Neurosurgical implants - Sterile, single-use hydrocephalus shunts and components (ISO 7197:2006)
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
NS 9415:2003
Title: Marine fish farms - Requirements for design, dimensioning, production, installation and operation (Corrigendum AC:2004 and AC1:2004 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 46002:1991
Title: Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular requirements for the application of EN 29002
Organization: SN
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 16201
Title: Technical aids for disabled persons - Environmental control systems for daily living
Organization: CEN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
SN EN 12442-2
Title: Animal tissues and their derivatives utilized in the manufacture of medical devices - Part 2: Controls on sourcing, collection and handling
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-EN 1615:2000
Title: Enteral feeding catheters and enteral giving sets for single use and their connectors - Design and testing
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 17665-1
Title: Sterilization of health care products - Moist heat - Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 15087-3
Title: Dental elevators - Part 3: Cryer elevators (ISO 15087-3:2000)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10477:1996/A1:2000
Title: Amendment A1 - Dentistry - Polymer-based crown and bridge materials (ISO 10477:1992/A1:1998)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
DS 3029
Title: Environmental quality - Enumeration of Legionella - Concentration and colony count on solid medium - Spread plate method
Organization: DS
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10993-12:1996
Title: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 12: Sample preparation and reference materials (ISO 10993-12:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 14720-1
Title: Health informatics - Service request and report messages - Part 1: Basic services including referral and discharge; English version EN 14720-1:2005
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 15606
Title: Dental Handpieces - Air-Powered Scalers and Scaler Tips
Organization: CEN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 15087-3:2000
Title: Dental elevators - Part 3: Cryer elevators (ISO/ 15087-3:2000)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-EN 13976-2:2003
Title: Rescue systems - Transportation of incubators - Part 2: System requirements - (Corrigendum AC:2004 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
EN 738-1
Title: Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 1: Pressure regulators and pressure regulators with flow metering devices
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NF ISO 10626
Title: Equipment for crop protection. Sprayers. Connecting dimensions for nozzles with bayonet fixing.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1992
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 13397-4
Title: Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 4: Dental excavators, discoid-type (ISO 13397-4:1997)
Organization: SNV
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 22612
Title: Clothing for protection against infectious agents - Test method for resistance to dry microbial penetration
Organization: CEN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
FD CEN/TR 15214-3
Title: Characterization of sludges - Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli in sludges, soils, soil improvers, growing media and bio-wastes - Part 3 : macromethod (Most Probable Number) in liquid m...
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DS/ISO 7376-2
Title: Laryngoscopic fittings - Part 2: Miniature electric lamps - Screw threads and sockets
Organization: DS
Year: 1987
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 11810-1:2005
Title: Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test method and classification for the laser resistance of surgical drapes and/or patient protective covers - Part 1: Primary ignition and penetration (ISO 1181...
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
DIN ISO 13440
Title: Equipment for crop protection - Agricultural sprayers - Determination of the volume of total residual (ISO 13440:1996)
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Active
EN 793
Title: Particular Requirements for Safety of Medical Supply Units
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 13312-3:2001
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for piping and instrumentation - Part 3: Sampling and inoculation devices
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NF ISO 22368-3
Title: Crop protection equipment - Test methods for the evaluation of cleaning systems - Part 3 : internal cleaning of tank
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 13488:2000
Title: Quality systems - Medical devices - Particular requirements for the application of EN ISO 9002 (revision of EN 46002:1996) (identical to ISO 13488:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DS 74
Title: Heavy greys for napkins and diapers for institutional use - Pure cotton
Organization: DS
Year: 1979
Status: Inactive
EN 866-1
Title: Biological Systems for Testing Sterilizers and Sterilization Processes - Part 1: General Requirements
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 7491
Title: Dental materials - Determination of colour stability
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-ISO 4824:1981
Title: Dentistry - Porcelain denture teeth - (= EN HD 24824)
Organization: SN
Year: 1990
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10993-9:1999
Title: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 9: Framework for identification and qualification of potential degradation products (ISO 10993-9:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 22803
Title: Dentistry - Membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery - Contents of a technical file
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2006
Status: Active
Title: Optik und optische Instrumente - Scheitelbrechwert-Messgeraete (ISO 8598:1996); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 8598:1998
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 1135-4:2004
Title: Transfusion equipment for medical use - Part 4: Transfusion sets for single use (ISO 1135-4:2004)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DS/CEN/CR 14230 cd-rom
Title: Global medical device nomenclature for the purpose of regulatory data exchange (identical to ISO/TS 20225:2001)
Organization: DS
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
DIN ISO 15473
Title: Soil quality - Guidance on laboratory testing for biodegradation of organic chemicals in soil under anaerobic conditions (ISO 15473:2002)
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DS/ISO 10993-4
Title: Biological evaluation of medical devices. Part 4: Selection of tests for interactions with blood
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DS/EN ISO 11715-1
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Format of digital data files for data transfer for profiling of spectacle lenses - Part 1: Two-dimensional tracers
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 1135-3
Title: Transfusion equipment for medical use - Part 3: Bloodtaking sets
Organization: DS
Year: 1992
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 13610
Title: Chemical disinfectants - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity against bacteriophages of chemical disinfectants used in food and industrial areas - Test method and r...
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 7493
Title: Dentistry - Operator's stool
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 846:1997
Title: Plastics - Evaluation of the action of microorganisms (ISO 846:1997)
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 7785-1
Title: Dental handpieces - Part 1: High-speed air turbine handpieces (ISO 7785-1:1997)
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13610
Title: Chemical disinfectants - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity against bacteriophages of chemical disinfectants used in food and industrial areas - Test method and r...
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DIN 13905-1
Title: Dentistry - Dental furnace - Part 1: Dynamic test method for temperature measurement with separate thermocouple
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 285:2006
Title: Sterilization - Steam sterilizers - Large sterilizers
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 18104:2003
Title: Health Informatics - Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing (ISO 18104:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13640
Title: Stability testing of in vitro diagnostic reagents
Organization: SNV
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 18779
Title: Medical devices for conserving oxygen and oxygen mixtures - Particular requirements (ISO 18779:2005); German version EN ISO 18779:2005
Organization: DIN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 21533
Title: Dentistry - Reusable cartridge syringes intended for intraligamentary injections (ISO 21533:2003); German version EN ISO 21533:2003
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 26461-1
Title: Water quality; detection and enumeration of the spores of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia); part 1: method by enrichment in a liquid medium (ISO 6461-1:1986); german version EN 26461-1:1993
Organization: DIN
Year: 1993
Status: Active
DIN 58940-1
Title: Medical microbiology - Susceptibility testing of pathogens to antimicrobial agents - Part 1: Terminology
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
NS-EN 1060-3:1997
Title: Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 3: Supplementary requirements for electro-mechanical blood pressure measuring systems
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DS/CEN/TS 14271
Title: Health informatics - File exchange format for vital signs
Organization: DS
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
EN 61223-2-5
Title: Evaluation and Routine Testing in Medical Imaging Departments Part Part 2-5: Constancy Test -Image Display Devices
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 1994
Status: Active
Title: Ophthalmology - Graduated dial scale (ISO 8429:1986)
Organization: DIN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
Title: Electronic or Automated Sphygmomanometers
Organization: AAMI
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8536-10:2004
Title: Infusion equipment for medical use - Part 10: Accessories for fluid lines for use with pressure infusion equipment (ISO 8536-10:2004)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
SN EN 29168
Title: Dental handpieces - Hose connectors (ISO 9168:1991)
Organization: SNV
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DIN 58904
Title: Haemostaseology - Determination of protein C activity - Reference measurement procedure with a chromogenic peptide substrate
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
EN 50103
Title: Guidance on the Application of EN 29001 and EN 46001 and of EN 29002 and EN 46002 for the Active (Including Active Implantable) Medical Device Industry
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NF EN 1618
Title: Catheters other than intravascular catheters. Test methods for common properties.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 6360-2:2004
Title: Dentistry - Number coding system for rotary instruments - Part 2: Shapes (ISO 6360-2:2004)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN 867-3:1997
Title: Non-biological systems for use in sterilizers - Part 3: Specification for Class B indicators for use in the Bowie and Dick test
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
SN EN 12761-1
Title: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors; Environmental protection - Part 1: General
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS-ISO 1797:1985
Title: Dentistry - Dental rotary instruments - Shafts - (= EN 21797)
Organization: SN
Year: 1989
Status: Inactive
SN ENV 13607
Title: Health informatics - Messages for the exchange of information on medicine prescription
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
EN 62274
Title: Medical electrical equipment - Safety of radiotherapy record and verify systems
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 5356-1
Title: Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Conical connectors - Part 1: Cones and sockets (ISO 5356-1:2004)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2004
Status: Active
EN 30993-3
Title: Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices - Part 3: Tests for Genotoxicity, Carcinogenicity and Reproductive Toxicity
Organization: CEN
Year: 1993
Status: Inactive
NS-ISO 7785-1:1992
Title: Dental handpieces - Part 1: High-speed air-turbine handpieces (= EN 27785-1:1994)
Organization: SN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DIN CEN/TS 15277
Title: Non-active surgical implants - Injectable implants; German version CEN/TS 15277:2006
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 8891
Title: Dental casting alloys with noble metal content of at least 25 % but less than 75 %
Organization: DS
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
XP ENV 12537-1
Title: Medical informatics. Registration of information objects used for EDI in healthcare. Part 1 : the Register.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 60118-12
Title: Hearing aids - Part 12: Dimensions of electrical connector systems (IEC 60118-12:1996); German version EN 60118-12:1996
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
EN ISO 11985
Title: Ophthalmic Optics - Contact Lenses - Ageing by Exposure to UV and Visible Radiation (in Vitro Method)
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10993-10:1995
Title: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 10: Tests for irritation and sensitization (ISO 10993-10:1995)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
EN 1865
Title: Specifications for Stretchers and Other Patient Handling Equipment Used in Road Ambulances
Organization: CEN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 1805
Title: Fishing nets - Determination of breaking force and knot breaking force of netting yarns
Organization: CEN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
EN ISO 8871
Title: Elastomeric Parts for Aqueous Parenteral Preparations
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 11334-4
Title: Walking aids manipulated by one arm. Requirements and test methods. Part 4 : walking sticks with three or more legs.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1999
Status: Active
DIN 58959 Beiblatt 1
Title: Quality management in medical microbiology - Overview and index
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1064
Title: Health informatics - Standard communication protocol - Computer-assisted electrocardiography
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 18777:2005
Title: Transportable liquid oxygen systems for medical use - Particular requirements (ISO 18777:2005)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
EN 30139-1
Title: Dentistry - Resilient Lining Materials for Removable Dentures - Part 1: Short-Term Materials
Organization: CEN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DS/CEN/CR 12069
Title: Profiles for medical image interchange
Organization: DS
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
SN EN 14347
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Basic sporicidal activity - Test method and requirements (phase 1, step 1)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
DS/EN 21564
Title: Dentistry. Agar impression material
Organization: DS
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 24823
Title: Dental elastomeric impression materials
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 4074/12
Title: Rubber condoms - Part 12: Storage
Organization: DS
Status: Inactive
DD 30-2
Title: Resistance of Pharmaceutical Packages to Opening by Children Part 2: Non-Reclosable Unit Packages
Organization: BSI
Year: 1973
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 12376
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 11498
Title: Dental handpieces - Dental low-voltage electrical motors (ISO 11498:1997)
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 22374
Title: Dentistry - Dental handpieces - Electrical-powered scalers and scaler tips (ISO 22374:2005)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
NF S91-154
Title: Clinical evaluation of dental implants.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1995
Status: Active
EN ISO 6360-1
Title: Dentistry Number coding system for rotary instruments Part 1: General characteristics
Organization: CEN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
ENV 14237
Title: Textiles in the Healthcare System
Organization: CEN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DS/EN 12286
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Measurements of quantities in samples of biological origin - Presentation of reference measurement procedures
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
Title: Council Directive Amending Directive 65/ 65/EEC on the Approximation of Provisions Laid Down by Law, Regulation or Administrative Action Relating to Proprietary Medicinal Products
Organization: EU
Year: 1986
Status: Active
SN EN 12690
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for shaft seals
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Active
DIN V 6868-57
Title: Image quality assurance in diagnostic X-ray departments - Part 57: Acceptance testing for image display devices
Organization: DIN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NF ISO 8319-1
Title: Orthopaedic instruments. Drive connections. Part 1 : keys for use with screws with hexagon socket heads.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1996
Status: Active
SN EN 12461
Title: Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Guidance for the handling, inactivating and testing of waste
Organization: SNV
Year: 1998
Status: Active
DSF/prEN 14079-1
Title: Non-active medical devices - Properties for compresses and wound packing products for medical use - Part 1: Test methods and requirements for absorbent cotton gauze and absorbent cotton and viscose...
Organization: DS
Status: Pending
NF EN ISO 15087-2
Title: Dental elevators - Part 2 : Warwick James elevators
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
DIN EN 1620
Title: Biotechnik - Verfahren im Grossmassstab und Produktion - Gebaeude entsprechend dem jeweiligen Gefaehrdungsgrad; Deutsche Fassung EN 1620:1996
Organization: DIN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
EN ISO 7494
Title: Dental Units
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 12376:1999
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
EN 600
Title: Natural Rubber Latex Male Condoms
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
PD 6610
Title: Medical Informatics - Methodology for the Development of Healthcare Messages
Organization: BSI
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 8871-2:2004
Title: Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for devices for pharmaceutical use - Part 2: Identification and characterization (ISO 8871-2:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 6887-1:1999
Title: Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of...
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 15087-1
Title: Dental elevators - Part 1 : general requirements
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2002
Status: Active
EN 13014
Title: Connections for gas sampling tubes to anaesthetic and respiratory equipment
Organization: CEN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 738-3/A1
Title: Pressure regulators for use with medical gases - Part 3: Pressure regulators integrated with cylinder valves
Organization: DS
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 12297:1998
Title: Biotechnology - Equipment - Guidance on testing procedures for sterilizability
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Active
DIN CEN/TS 14507-1
Title: Nitric oxide inhalational systems - Part 1: Delivery systems; German version CEN/TS 14507-1:2003
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
EN 13868
Title: Catheters - Test Methods for Kinking of Single Lumen Catheters and Medical Tubing
Organization: CEN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 10650-1
Title: Dentistry - Powered polymerization activators - Part 1: Quartz tungsten halogen lamps (ISO 10650-1:2004)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
NS 9401:1994
Title: Atlantic salmon - Reference sampling for quality measurements
Organization: SN
Year: 1994
Status: Active
NS-EN 556:1994
Title: Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be labelled "Sterile"
Organization: SN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 11979-10:2006
Title: Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 10: Phakic intraocular lenses (ISO 11979-10:2006)
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1865
Title: Specifications for stretchers and other patient handling equipment used in road ambulances
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 23823-1
Title: Dentistry - Dental rotary instruments - Part 1: Steel and carbide burs
Organization: DS
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 19980:2005
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Corneal topographers (ISO 19980:2005)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
98/C 144/02
Title: Commission communication in the framework of the implementation of Cound Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 in relation to medical devices(')
Organization: EU
Year: 1993
Status: Active
EN 21560
Title: Dentistry - Dental Mercury
Organization: CEN
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 595-2
Title: Reusable all-glass or metal-and-glass syringes for medical use - Part 2: Design, performance requirements and tests (ISO 595-2:1987); German version EN ISO 595-2:1994
Organization: DIN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 60335-2-76/A1
Title: Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-76: Particular requirements for electric fence energizers
Organization: DS
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 7787-4
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Cutters - Part 4: Miniature carbide laboratory cutters (ISO 7787-4:2002)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DS/EN 61010-2-041
Title: Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use - Part 2-041: Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for the treatment of medical materials, an...
Organization: DS
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 6360-6
Title: Dentistry - Number coding system for rotary instruments - Part 6 : specific characteristics of abrasive instruments
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
DS/CEN/CR 12700
Title: Supporting document to ENV 1613:1994 - Messages for Exchange of Laboratory Information
Organization: DS
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DIN 58959-7 Beiblatt 3
Title: Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 7: General requirements for the use of control strains; examples for control cards documentation of test results
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
CEN/TS 14507-2
Title: Inhalational nitric oxide systems Part 2: Supply systems
Organization: CEN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/ISO 5364
Title: Oropharyngeal airways
Organization: DS
Year: 1989
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1733
Title: Suction catheters for use in the respiratory tract
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13312-5
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for piping and instrumentation - Part 5: Valves
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NF EN 12305
Title: Biotechnology. Modified organisms for application in the environment. Guidance for the sampling strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified plants.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1997
Status: Active
EN 14299
Title: Non active surgical implants - Particular requirements for cardiac and vascular implants - Specific requirements for arterial stents
Organization: CEN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
SN EN 14391
Title: Packaging - Collapsible aluminium tubes - Tactile warnings of danger
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 1616
Title: Sterile uretheral catheters for single use
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
DS/EN 26876 RET
Title: Dental root canal sealing materials
Organization: DS
Year: 1992
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 980:1996
Title: Graphical symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1617
Title: Sterile drainage catheters and accessory devices for single use
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 11245:2000
Title: Dental restorations - Phosphate-bonded refractory die materials (ISO 11245:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 14931:2006
Title: Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO) - Multi-place pressure chamber systems for hyperbaric therapy - Performance, safety requirements and testing
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DIN EN 60118-6
Title: Hearing aids - Part 6: Characteristics of electrical input circuits for hearing aids (IEC 60118-6:1999); German version EN 60118-6:1999
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
EN 739
Title: Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with medical gases
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 12297
Title: Biotechnology - Equipment - Guidance on testing procedures for sterilizability; German version EN 12297:1998
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
DIN EN 12322 Berichtigung 1
Title: Corrigenda to DIN EN 12322:1999-06 (EN 12322:1999/A1:2001)
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
SN EN 13609-1
Title: Health informatics - Messages for maintenance of supporting information in healthcare systems - Part 1: Updating of coding schemes
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NF U47-031
Title: Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Bovine Enzootic Leukosis by the Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2002
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10323:1995
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Bore diameters for discs and wheels (ISO 10323:1991)
Organization: SN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 737-3
Title: Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 3: Pipelines for compressed medical gases and vacuum
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 8321-1
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Specifications for material, optical and dimensional properties of contact lenses - Part 1: Rigid corneal and scleral contact lenses
Organization: SNV
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 980:1996/A1:1999
Title: Amendment A1 - Graphical symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 11787
Title: Machinery for agriculture and forestry. Data interchange between management computer and process computers. Data interchange syntax
Organization: DS
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
EN 1819
Title: Laryngoscopes for Tracheal Intubation - Particular Requirements
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DIN IEC 60118-3
Title: Hoergeraete; Hoerhilfe-Systeme, die nur zum Teil vom Benutzer getragen werden; Identisch mit IEC 60118-3:1983
Organization: DIN
Year: 1989
Status: Inactive
SN EN 867-3
Title: Non-biological systems for use in sterilizers - Part 3: Specifications for class B indicators for use in Bowie and Dick test
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
EN ISO 11246
Title: Dental Ethyl Silicate Bonded Casting Investments
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DS 703
Title: Directions for lighting in hospitals
Organization: DS
Year: 1983
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13312-4
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for piping and instrumentation - Part 4: Tubes and pipes
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
EN ISO 22803
Title: Dentistry - Membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery - Contents of a technical file
Organization: CEN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 1530
Title: Fishing nets - Description and designation of knotted netting
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2003
Status: Active
NF C74-111
Title: Electromedical equipment. Radiology equipment. X radiation equipment. Radiodiagnostic X-ray tube assemblies. Construction and tests. Requirements.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1985
Status: Active
SN EN 13503-6
Title: Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 6: Shelf-life and transport stability (ISO 11979-6:2002, modified)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 15087-3
Title: Dental elevators - Part 3: Cryer elevators (ISO 15087-3:2000); German version EN ISO 15087-3:2000
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
SN EN 12296
Title: Biotechnology - Equipment - Guidance on testing procedures for cleanability
Organization: SNV
Year: 1998
Status: Active
DIN 19650
Title: Irrigation - Hygienic concerns of irrigation water
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 6360-4
Title: Dentistry - Number coding system for rotary instruments - Part 4: Specific characteristics of diamond instruments (ISO 6360-4:2004); German version EN ISO 6360-4:2004
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
EN ISO 8282
Title: Dental Equipment - Mercury and Alloy Mixers and Dispensers
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 11539:1999
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses - Method for classifying contact lenses and contact lens materials (ISO 11539:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 6360-6
Title: Dentistry Number coding system for rotary instruments Part 6: Specific characteristics of abrasive instruments
Organization: CEN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NS-EN 13726-1:2002
Title: Test methods for primary wound dressings - Part 1: Aspects of absorbency
Organization: SN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DS/EN 14153-2
Title: Recreational diving services - Safety related minimum requirements for the training of recreational scuba divers - Part 2: Level 2 - Autonomous Diver
Organization: DS
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 11073-30200
Title: Health informatics - Point-of-care medical device communication - Part 30200: Transport profile - Cable connected (ISO/IEEE 11073-30200:2004); English version EN ISO 11073-30200:2005
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN 868-7:1999
Title: Packaging materials and systems for medical devices which are to be sterilized - Part 7: Adhesive coated paper for the manufacture of heat sealable packs for medical use for sterilization by ethyle...
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
AS/NZS 1088.9
Title: Hearing Aids Part 9: Immunity requirements and methods of measurement for hearing aids exposed to radiofrequency fields in the frequency range 300 MHz to 3 GHz
Organization: SNZ
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NF EN 26461-1
Title: Water quality - Detection and enumeration of the sportes of sulfite-reducing anaerobes (clostridia) - Part 1 : method by enrichment in a liquid medium
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1993
Status: Active
NF G36-105
Title: Mounting and joining of netting for fishing. Terms and definitions. Illustration.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1974
Status: Active
DIN CEN/TS 14796
Title: Health informatics - Data types; German version CEN/TS 14796:2004, text English
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 18812
Title: Health informatics Clinical analyser interfaces to laboratory information systems Use profiles
Organization: CEN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/ISO 5361-2
Title: Tracheal tubes - Part 2: Oro-tracheal and naso-tracheal tubes of the Magill type (plain and cuffed)
Organization: DS
Year: 1987
Status: Inactive
FD S94-468
Title: Surgical instruments - Guide and recommendations for the quality of water in contact with the reusable metallic surgical instruments
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 7885:1998
Title: Sterile, single-use dental injection needles (ISO 7885:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NF S91-121
Title: Dental hand instruments. Hand-held cutting instruments for restorative dentistry. Designation and marking of dimensional characteristics.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1985
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10079-2:1999
Title: Medical suction equipment - Part 2: Manually powered suction equipment (ISO 10079-2:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 15098-1
Title: Dental tweezers - Part 1 : general requirements
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 13397-2
Title: Dentistry - Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 2: Periodontal curettes of Gr-type (ISO 13397-2:2005)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 14299
Title: Non active surgical implants - Particular requirements for cardiac and vascular implants - Specific requirements for arterial stents
Organization: SNV
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 12468:1997
Title: Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the monitoring strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified plants
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
NS-EN 14136:2004
Title: Use of external quality assessment schemes in the assessment of the performance of in vitro diagnostic examination procedures
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
SN EN 1659
Title: In vitro diagnostic systems - Culture media for microbiology - Terms and definitions
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
ENV 737-6
Title: Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 6: Dimensions and allocation of probes for terminal units for compressed medical gases and vacuum
Organization: CEN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 15098-1:2001
Title: Dental tweezers - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 15098-1:1999)
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 15253:2000
Title: Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Optical devices for enhancing low vision (ISO 15253:2000)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 11979-10
Title: Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 10: Phakic intraocular lenses
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 9338
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of the diameters
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NS 4144:1980
Title: Marking of larger wild animals - Attached ear tags
Organization: SN
Year: 1980
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8891:1995
Title: Dental casting alloys with noble metal content of 25 % up to but not including 75 % (ISO 8891:1993)
Organization: SN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
SN-EN 12563
Title: Non-active surgical implants - Joint replacement implants - Specific requirements for hip joint replacement implants
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN EN 12884
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for centrifuges
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Active
EN 26360-2
Title: Dentistry: Dental Rotary Instruments: Number Coding System - Part 2: Shape and Specific Characteristics
Organization: CEN
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 907
Title: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors - Safety
Organization: DS
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
VG 96105
Title: Medical instruments; surgical scissors, curved on flat, type Toennis
Organization: DIN
Year: 1985
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 14204:2004
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area - Test me...
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
NF EN 14820
Title: Single-use containers for venous blood specimen collection
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 9456
Title: Optics and Optical Instruments - Ophthalmic Optics - Marking of Spectacle Frames
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7551:1998
Title: Dental absorbent points (ISO 7551:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
EN ISO 8871-4
Title: Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for devices for pharmaceutical use - Part 4: Biological requirements and test methods
Organization: CEN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
SN EN 14484
Title: Health informatics - International transfer of personal health data covered by the EU data protection directive - High level security policy
Organization: SNV
Year: 2004
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 7899-1/AC
Title: Water quality - Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci in surface and waste water - Part 1: Miniaturized method (Most Probable Number) by inoculation in liquid medium (ISO 7899-1:1998)...
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
Title: Council Directive on the Approximation of National Measures Relating to the Placing on the Market of High- Technology Medicinal Products, Particularly Those Derived from Biotechnology
Organization: EU
Year: 1986
Status: Active
DIN 58959-10 Beiblatt 1
Title: Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 10: Requirements for the use of control strains for testing reagents, dyes and biological materials; control strains for commonly used materials
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
EN 12180
Title: Non-Active Surgical Implants - Body Contouring Implants - Specific Requirements for Mammary Implants
Organization: CEN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8980-1:2004/AC:2006
Title: Corrigendum AC - Ophthalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 1: Specifications for single-vision and multifocal lenses (ISO 8980-1:2004/Cor.1:2006)
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
NF S32-002
Title: Sound repetition devices for traffic lights for use by the blind or partially sighted
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NS 3383:1973
Title: Health service - Quilt covers, sack type
Organization: SN
Year: 1973
Status: Inactive
DS 2256
Title: Water quality - Determination of Clostridium perfringens
Organization: DS
Year: 1983
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 11244:1999
Title: Dental brazing investments (ISO 11244:1998)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
EN 867-4
Title: Non-Biological Systems for Use in Sterilizers - Part 4: Specification for Indicators as an Alternative to the Bowie and Dick Test for the Detection of Steam Penetration
Organization: CEN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10993-14:2001
Title: Biological evaluation of medical devices - Part 14: Identification and quantification of degradation products from ceramics (ISO 10993-14:2001)
Organization: SN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
NS 3371:1998
Title: Health service - Operating theatre frocks
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
SN EN 12761-2
Title: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors; Environmental protection - Part 2: Field crop sprayers
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 1642:2004
Title: Dentistry - Medical devices for dentistry - Dental implants
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 9680:1996
Title: Dental operating light (ISO 9680:1993, including Technical Corrigendum 1:1995)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 28362-4
Title: Injection containers for injectables and accessories - Part 4: Injection vials made of moulded glass
Organization: DS
Year: 1993
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 1707:1996
Title: Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Lock fittings
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8320-1:2003
Title: Contact lenses and contact lens care products - Vocabulary - Part 1: Contact lenses (ISO 8320-1:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 13544-3:2001
Title: Respiratory therapy equipment - Part 3: Air entrainment devices
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DIN 58932-4
Title: Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 4: Reference procedure for the determination of the concentration of leucocytes
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DIN EN 20594-1
Title: Conical fittings with a 6 % (Luer) taper for syringes, needles and certain other medical equipment - Part 1: General requirements (ISO 594-1:1986); German version EN 20594-1:1993
Organization: DIN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 11498
Title: Dental Handpieces - Dental Low-Voltage Electrical Motors
Organization: CEN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DIN 13086
Title: External introducer cannulae for suprapubic catheter systems for single use - Requirements and testing
Organization: DIN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 14820
Title: Single-use containers for human venous blood specimen collection
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 591:2001
Title: Instructions for use for in vitro diagnostic instruments for professional use
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DIN CEN/TS 14822-4
Title: Health informatics - General purpose information components - Part 4: Message headers; English version CEN/TS 14822-4:2005
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
SN EN 737-3
Title: Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 3: Pipelines for compressed medical gases and vacuum
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Active
DS/ISO 1566
Title: Dental zinc phosphate cement
Organization: DS
Year: 1979
Status: Inactive
EN 12563
Title: Non-Active Surgical Implants - Joint Replacement Implants - Specific Requirements for Hip Joint Replacement Implants
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NF EN 61205
Title: Ultrasonics. Dental descaler systems. Measurement and declaration of the output characteristics.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1994
Status: Active
EN ISO 13397-3
Title: Periodontal Curettes, Dental Scalers and Excavators - Part 3: Dental Scalers, H-Type
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 8871-4
Title: Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for devices for pharmaceutical use - Part 4: Biological requirements and test methods
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
EN 12689
Title: Biotechnology - Guidance on Assessment of the Purity, Biological Activity and Stability of Micro-Organism Based Products
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 7787-4:2002
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Cutters - Part 4: Miniature carbide laboratory cutters (ISO 7787-4:2002)
Organization: SN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
EN 12264
Title: Health informatics - Categorial structures for systems of concepts
Organization: CEN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN 13612:2002
Title: Performance evaluation of in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Corrigendum AC:2002 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DS/ISO 10993-5
Title: Biological testing of medical devices - Part 5: Tests for cytotoxicity - in vitro methods
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
XP S94-467
Title: Surgical instruments - Definition of immatriculation specifications for tracability purposes
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10139-1:2005
Title: Dentistry - Soft lining materials for removable dentures - Part 1: Materials for short-term use (ISO 10139-1:2005) - (Corrigendum AC:2006 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
EN 12298
Title: Biotechnology - Equipment - Guidance on Testing Procedures for Leaktightness
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
DIN 58902
Title: Haemostaseology - Reference measurement procedure for the determination of batroxobin time
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
SN ENV 13608-3
Title: Health informatics - Security for healthcare communication - Part 3: Secure data channels
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 8980-5
Title: Ophtalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 5 : minimum requirements for spectacle lens surfaces claimed to be abrasion-resistant
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 12264
Title: Health informatics - Categorial structures for systems of concepts
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
BS 1819-1
Title: Specification for spring interior mattresses for hospitals, institutions and government departments. Part 1: Mattresses for adult beds and cots
Organization: BSI
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10341:1999
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Refractor heads (ISO 10341:1997)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 17511:2003
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Measurement of quantities in biological samples - Metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials (ISO 17511:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
EN 24823
Title: Dental Elastomeric Impression Materials
Organization: CEN
Year: 1993
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7376:2003
Title: Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Laryngoscopes for tracheal intubation (ISO 7376:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
SN EN 866-8
Title: Biological systems for testing sterilizers and sterilization processes - Part 8: Particular requirements for self-contained biological indicator systems for use in ethylene oxide sterilizers
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
DIN 6320
Title: Fuesse mit Gewindezapfen, fuer Vorrichtungen
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
DIN 13179
Title: Medical instruments - Trocar holding forceps type Vogel
Organization: DIN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10940:1998
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Fundus cameras (ISO 10940:1998)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 6360-1
Title: Dentistry - Number coding system for rotary instruments - Part 1: General characteristics (ISO 6360-1:2004); German version EN ISO 6360-1:2004
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
SN EN 1733
Title: Suction catheters for use in the respiratory tract
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
DS/EN ISO 9913-1
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Part 1: Determination of oxygen permeability and transmissibility by the FATT method
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 15087-6:2000
Title: Dental elevators - Part 6: Flohr elevators (ISO 15087-6:2000)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
CWA 14661
Title: Guidelines to Standardisers of ICT products and services in the CEN ICT domain
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/EN 60601-2-7
Title: Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-7: Particular requirements for the safety of high-voltage generators of diagnostic X-ray generators
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 1174-2
Title: Sterilization of medical devices - Estimation of the population of micro-organisms on product - Part 2: Guidance
Organization: DS
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8536-8:2004
Title: Infusion equipment for medical use - Part 8: Infusion equipment for use with pressure infusion apparatus (ISO 8536-8:2004)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
EN 26871
Title: Dentistry - Dental Base Metal Casting Alloys
Organization: CEN
Year: 1990
Status: Inactive
FD S97-560
Title: Health informatics - Anonymisation - Glossary and Analysis approach
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
DS/EN 25080
Title: Sisal agricultural twines
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
VG 96141
Title: Medizinische Instrumente; Meissel nach Partsch
Organization: DIN
Year: 1990
Status: Inactive
SN EN 14931
Title: Pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO) - Multi-place pressure chamber systems for hyperbaric therapy - Performance, safety requirements and testing
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DIN EN 12761-2
Title: Agricultural and forestry machinery - Sprayers and liquid fertilizer distributors; Environmental protection - Part 2: Field crop sprayers; German version EN 12761-2:2001
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13826
Title: Peak expiratory flow meters
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 10344
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Saline solution for contact lens testing
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NS 9404:1996
Title: Atlantic salmon - Trimming and skinning of salmon fillet
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
EN 13328-1
Title: Breathing System Filters for Anasthetic and Respiratory Use - Part 1: Salt Test Method to Assess Filtration Performance
Organization: CEN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS 3384:1973
Title: Health service - Pillow cases
Organization: SN
Year: 1973
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 12866
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Perimeters (ISO 12866:1999)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-EN 12218:1998
Title: Rail systems for supporting medical equipment
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 866-6
Title: Biological systems for testing sterilizers and sterilization processes - Part 6: Particular systems for use in dry heat sterilizers
Organization: DS
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13312-6
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for piping and instrumentation - Part 6: Equipment probes
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 15087-4
Title: Dental elevators - Part 4 : Coupland elevators
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NF EN 13311-3
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for vessels - Part 3 : glass pressure vessels
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2001
Status: Active
EN 14822-1
Title: Health informatics - General purpose information components - Part 1: Overview
Organization: CEN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 739/A1
Title: Low-pressure hose assemblies for use with medical gases; Amendment A1
Organization: SNV
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
DIN ISO 11418-4
Title: Containers and accessories for pharmaceutical preparations - Part 4: Tablet glass bottles (ISO 11418-4:2005); text in German and English
Organization: DIN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN 13328-1
Title: Breathing system filters for anaesthetic and respiratory use - Part 1: Salt test method to assess filtration performance
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
SN ENV 13606-3
Title: Health informatics - Electronic healthcare communication - Part 3: Distribution rules
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
EN 13975
Title: Sampling procedures used for acceptance testing of in vitro diagnostic medical devices - Statistical aspects
Organization: CEN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/EN 374-3/AC
Title: Protective gloves against chemicals and micro-organisms - Part 3: Determination of resistance to permeation by chemicals
Organization: DS
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
DIN 58356-12
Title: Filter elements - Membrane filter elements - Part 12: Integrity test of hydrophobic membrane filters with water
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NF H35-037
Title: Bottling industry. Plastic screw finish. Pharmacy type. Dimensions.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1987
Status: Active
NF EN 12381
Title: Health informatics - Time standards for healthcare specific problems
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
HD 395.2.19 S1
Title: Medical Electrical Equipment Part 2: Particular Requirements for Safety of Baby Incubators
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 1992
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 11608-2:2000
Title: Pen-injectors for medical use - Part 2: Needles - Requirements and test methods (ISO 11608-2:2000)
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
EN 1618
Title: Catheters Other Than Intravascular Catheters - Test Methods for Common Properties
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
EN 1282-1
Title: Anaesthetic and Respiratory Equipment - Tracheostomy Tubes - Part 1: Tubes for Use in Adults
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 5366/2
Title: Tracheostomy tubes - Part 2: Basic requirements
Organization: DS
Year: 1987
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 12738
Title: Biotechnology - Laboratories for research, development and analysis - Guidance for containment of animals inoculated with microorganisms in experiments; German version EN 12738:1999
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 11979-3:2006
Title: Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 3: Mechanical properties and test methods (ISO 11979-3:2006)
Organization: SN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 15087-6
Title: Dental elevators - Part 6 : Flohr elevators
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
BP S97-723
Title: Health informatics - Identification of the patient within the health care process
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2002
Status: Active
DIN 13411
Title: Protection of walls and apparatus in medical facilities - Terms, specific data
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1619
Title: Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - General requirements for management and organization for strain conservation procedures
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
DS/ISO 8670-2
Title: Ostomy collection bags - Part 2: Determination of freedom from leakage
Organization: DS
Year: 1992
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 1618:1997
Title: Catheters other than intravascular catheters - Test methods for common properties
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
DS/ISO 17995
Title: Water quality - Detection and enumeration of thermotolerant Campylobacter species
Organization: DS
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 794-1
Title: Lung ventilators - Part 1: Particular requirements for critical care ventilators
Organization: DS
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 22803
Title: Dentistry - Membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery - Contents of a technical file (ISO 22803:2004)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
DIN EN 13726-6
Title: Nichtaktive Medizinprodukte - Pruefverfahren fuer primaere Verbandstoffe (Wundauflagen) - Teil 6: Geruchsbindung; Deutsche Fassung EN 13726-6:2003
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
VG 96101
Title: Medical instruments; raspatory type Jansen
Organization: DIN
Year: 1988
Status: Inactive
SN EN 12075
Title: Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Procedures for fermentation and downstream processes
Organization: SNV
Year: 1997
Status: Active
EN 27711
Title: Dentistry - Dental Rotary Instruments - Diamond Instruments
Organization: CEN
Year: 1990
Status: Inactive
CR 13643
Title: Machine Readable Cards - Healthcare Applications - Logical Data Structures and Concepts for Different Card Technologies for Use by Patients in Health Applications
Organization: CEN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
Title: Dental equipment - Mercury and alloy mixers and dispensers (ISO 8282:1994)
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 10555-2
Title: Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 2: Angiographic catheters (ISO 10555-2:1996)
Organization: SNV
Year: 1998
Status: Active
EN 12461
Title: Biotechnology - Large-Scale Process and Production - Guidance for the Handling, Inactivating and Testing of Waste
Organization: CEN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
NF S94-080-2
Title: Surgical implants. Titanium alloy Ti 6 AI 4V. Part 2 : sheets, strips and plates.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1997
Status: Active
NS-EN 1641:2004
Title: Dentistry - Medical devices for dentistry - Materials
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 4135:1996
Title: Anaesthesiology - Vocabulary (ISO 4135:1995)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10944:1998
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Synoptophores (ISO 10944:1998)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NF S91-149
Title: Dental implants. Evaluation of the local and general tolerance of extracts of biomaterials put in contact with the intact or abrazed oral mucosa of hamster.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1988
Status: Inactive
DIN 58959-9 Beiblatt 1
Title: Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 9: Requirements for the use of control strains for testing culture media; control strains for commonly used culture media
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DIN 58942-4
Title: Medical microbiology - Culture media - Part 4: Transport systems for specimens containing bacteria
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
EN 14348
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants in the medical area including instrument disinfectant...
Organization: CEN
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 9626:1995/A1:2001
Title: Amendment A1 - Stainless steel needle tubing for the manufacture of medical devices (ISO 9626:1991/AM 1:2001)
Organization: SN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 29873
Title: Reusable metal dental mirrors and handles
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 1797-2
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Shanks - Part 2: Shanks made of plastics (ISO 1797-2:1992); German version EN ISO 1797-2:1995
Organization: DIN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 3630-1:1994
Title: Dental root-canal instruments - Part 1: Files, reamers, barbed broaches, rasps, paste carriers, explorers and cotton broaches (ISO 3630-1:1992)
Organization: SN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 12442-1
Title: Animal tissues and their derivatives utilized in the manufacture of medical devices - Part 1: Analysis and management of risk
Organization: DS
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 10943:1998
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Indirect ophthalmoscopes (ISO 10943:1998)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
NF S90-251
Title: Medico-surgical equipment. Syringe pumps. Operating characteristics.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1986
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 15854
Title: Dentistry - Casting and baseplate waxes
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
DIN CWA 14446
Title: European Generic Article Register - Conceptual description of EGAR, working methodology and relation to the tendering and procurement process in the healthcare sector; English version CWA 14446:2002
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 866-7
Title: Biological systems for testing sterilizers and sterilization processes - Part 7: Particular requirements for self-contained biological indicator systems for use in moist heat sterilizers
Organization: DS
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 10705-2
Title: Water Quality - Detection and Enumeration of Bacteriophages - Part 2: Enumeration of Somatic Coliphages
Organization: CEN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
SN EN 12322/A1
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Culture media for microbiology - Performance criteria for culture media
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
DS/ISO 1563
Title: Dentistry - Alginate dental impression material
Organization: DS
Year: 1992
Status: Inactive
EN ISO 11244
Title: Dental Brazing Investments
Organization: CEN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
SN CR 13426
Title: Biotechnology - Microorganisms - Report on the criteria used to classify Group I genetically modified microorganisms
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Active
FD S91-162
Title: Guide for the cleaning and disinfection of dentist's surgery volumes, surfaces and floors
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1999
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 21647:2004
Title: Medical electrical equipment - Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors (ISO 21647:2004) - (Corrigendum AC:2006 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 737-3/A1
Title: Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 3: Pipelines for compressed medical gases and vacuum
Organization: DS
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NF EN 60601-1-1
Title: Medical electrical equipment - Part 1-1 : general requirements for safety - Collateral standard : safety requirements for medical electrical systems
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 5080
Title: Sisal agricultural twines
Organization: DS
Year: 1978
Status: Inactive
DS-Hæfte 15
Title: Health informatics within the Nordic countries
Organization: DS
Year: 2000
Status: Active
EN 866-8
Title: Biological Systems for Testing Sterilizers and Sterilization Processes - Part 8: Particular Requirements for Self-Contained Biological Indicator Systems for Use in Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers
Organization: CEN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 10542-5
Title: Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons - Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems - Part 5: Systems for specific wheelchairs
Organization: DS
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 13532
Title: General requirements for in vitro diagnostic medical devices for self-testing; German version EN 13532:2002, German and English texts
Organization: DIN
Year: 2002
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 8321-1:1996
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Part 1: Specification for rigid corneal and scleral contact lenses (ISO 8321-1:1991)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
SN ENV 13608-3
Title: Health informatics - Security for healthcare communication - Part 3: Secure data channels
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
SN EN 13095
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for off-gas systems
Organization: SNV
Year: 2000
Status: Active
EN ISO 1561
Title: Dental Casting Wax
Organization: CEN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 11721-2
Title: Textiles - Determination of resistance of cellulose containing textiles to microorganisms - Soil burial test - Part 2: Identification of long-term resistance of a rot retardant finish (ISO 11721-2:...
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 11199-2
Title: Walking aids manipulated by both arms - Requirements and test methods - Part 2 : rollators
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 9694:1998
Title: Dental phosphate-bonded casting investments (ISO 9694:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7886-3:2005
Title: Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use - Part 3: Auto-disable syringes for fixed-dose immunization (ISO 7886-3:2005)
Organization: SN
Year: 2005
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 21549-2
Title: Health informatics - Patient healthcard data - Part 2: Common objects (ISO 21549-2:2004)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2004
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 7785-2
Title: Dental handpieces - Part 2: Straight and geared angle handpieces (ISO 7785-2:1995); German version EN ISO 7785-2:1997
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
SN EN 13975
Title: Sampling procedures used for acceptance testing of in vitro diagnostic medical devices - Statistical aspects
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
SN EN 14375
Title: Child-resistant non-reclosable packaging for pharmaceutical products - Requirements and testing
Organization: SNV
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NF H35-049
Title: Bottling industry. Screw neck glass container finish, pharmacy type.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1978
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 22610
Title: Surgical drapes, gowns and clean air suits, used as medical devices, for patients, clinical staff and equipment - Test method to determine the resistance to wet bacterial penetration (ISO 22610:200...
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
DIN 58940-20 Beiblatt 1
Title: Medical microbiology - Susceptibility testing of pathogens to antimicrobial agents - Part 20: Coding of antimicrobial agents - Codes for antimicrobial agents
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DS 739
Title: Endotracheal tubes
Organization: DS
Status: Inactive
DIN 58906-1
Title: Haemostaseology - Determination of fibrinogen concentration - Part 1: Reference measurement procedure for the determination of clottable fibrinogen as described by Clauss
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
EN 554
Title: Sterilization of Medical Devices - Validation and Routine Control of Sterilization by Moist Heat
Organization: CEN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 8362-1:2004
Title: Injection containers and accessories - Part 1: Injection vials made of glass tubing (ISO 8362-1:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 23823-2
Title: Dentistry - Dental rotary instruments - Part 2: Steel and carbide finishing burs
Organization: DS
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
NF EN 45502-2-1
Title: Active implantable medical devices - Part 2-1 : particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia (Cardiac pacemakers)
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
EN ISO 11380
Title: Optics and Optical Instruments - Ophthalmic Optics - Formers
Organization: CEN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
EN 13503-5
Title: Ophthalmic Implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 5: Biocompatibility
Organization: CEN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
SN CR 14060
Title: Medical device traceability
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
NS-EN 868-1:1997
Title: Packaging materials and systems for medical devices which are to be sterilized - Part 1: General requirements and test methods
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7488:1995
Title: Dental amalgamators (ISO 7488:1991)
Organization: SN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 9363-1:1999
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Contact lenses - Determination of cytotoxicity of contact lens material - Part 1: Agar overlay test and growth inhibition test (ISO 9363-1:1994)
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
Title: Fishing nets - Determination of mesh breaking force of netting (ISO 1806:2002)
Organization: DIN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
SN EN 1733
Title: Suction catheters for use in the respiratory tract
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
DS/ISO 5369
Title: Breathing machines for medical use - Lung ventilators
Organization: DS
Year: 1989
Status: Inactive
DIN EN 12376
Title: In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Information supplied by the manufacturer with in vitro diagnostic reagents for staining in biology; German version EN 12376:1999
Organization: DIN
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
DIN EN ISO 13716
Title: Dentistry - Reversible-irreversible hydrocolloid impression material systems (ISO 13716:1999); German version EN ISO 13716:2000
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 8325
Title: Denistry - Test methods for rotary instruments
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
EN 375
Title: Information Supplied by the manufacturer with in Vitro Diagnostic Reagents for Professional Use
Organization: CEN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
DS/ISO 8891
Title: Dentistry - Dental casting alloys with noble metal content of 25% up to but not including 75%
Organization: DS
Year: 1992
Status: Inactive
NS 4306:1976
Title: Health service - Base set for sterile surgical textiles
Organization: SN
Year: 1976
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 552
Title: Sterilization of medical devices - Validation and routine control of sterilization by irradiation
Organization: DS
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 13397-2:1996
Title: Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators - Part 2: Periodontal curettes - GR-type (ISO 13397-2:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
FD CR 13846
Title: Recommendations to preserve and extend sludge utilisation and disposal routes
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2000
Status: Active
DS 2401
Title: Environmental quality - Enumeration of enterococci - Colony count on solid medium - Spread plate method
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Active
NS-EN 1441:1997
Title: Medical devices - Risk analysis
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
Title: Polyolefin agricultural twines (ISO 4167:2006); German version EN ISO 4167:2006
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Active
SN EN 13726-3
Title: Non-active medical devices - Test methods for primary wound dressings - Part 3: Waterproofness
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Active
NF S93-310
Title: Systems for distribution and treatment of water for dilution of concentrated solutions for hemodialysis - Design requirements, operation, performance and safety
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2004
Status: Active
NS-EN 12075:1997
Title: Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Procedures for fermentation and downstream processes
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Active
SN EN 12686
Title: Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the sampling strategies for deliberate releases of genetically modified microorganisms, including viruses
Organization: SNV
Year: 1999
Status: Active
SN EN 13312-2
Title: Biotechnology - Performance criteria for piping and instrumentation - Part 2: Couplings
Organization: SNV
Year: 2001
Status: Active
DIN EN ISO 18369-4
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses - Part 4: Physicochemical properties of contact lens materials (ISO 18369-4:2006); German version EN ISO 18369-4:2006
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
DIN 58373
Title: Ueberleitgeraete fuer pharmazeutische Zubereitungen - Anforderungen, Pruefung
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DIN 58959-7 Beiblatt 3
Title: Quality management in medical microbiology - Part 7: General requirements for the use of control strains; examples for control cards documentation of test results
Organization: DIN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
NF EN 61262-2
Title: Medical electrical equipment. Characteristics of electro-optical X-ray image intensifiers. Part 2 : determination of the conversion factor.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1994
Status: Active
DS 2451-1
Title: Infection control in the health care sector - Part 1:Requirements for procedures in general medical practice
Organization: DS
Year: 2003
Status: Active
NS-EN 45502-2-1:2004
Title: Active implantable medical devices - Part 2-1: Particular requirements for active implantable medical devices intended to treat bradyarrhythmia (cardiac pacemakers)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 17665-1
Title: Sterilization of health care products - Moist heat - Part 1: Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10342:2003
Title: Ophthalmic instruments - Eye refractometers (ISO 10342:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
NS 9402.G
Title: Atlantischer Lachs - Messung von Farbe und Fettgehalt
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 10555-2:1997
Title: Sterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 2: Angiographic catheters (ISO 10555-2:1996) (Corrigendum AC:2002 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 12683
Title: Biotechnology - Modified organisms for application in the environment - Guidance for the characterization of the genetically modified organism by analysis of the molecular stability of the genomic ...
Organization: DS
Year: 1998
Status: Active
Title: Council Directive Amending Directives 65/65/EEC, 75/318/EEC and 75/319/EEC in Respect of Medicinal Products
Organization: EU
Year: 1993
Status: Active
NF EN 13609-1
Title: Health Informatics - Messages for maintenance of supporting information in healthcare systems - Part 1 : updating of coding schemes
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 1942-5:1994
Title: Dental vocabulary - Part 5: Terms associated with testing (ISO 1942-5:1989)
Organization: SN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 21571
Title: Foodstuffs - Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Nucleic acid extraction
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NS 4047:1974
Title: Disposable pots of plastics for plant culture - Square
Organization: SN
Year: 1974
Status: Inactive
NS 4362:1975
Title: Health service - Cotton tricot tights
Organization: SN
Year: 1975
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 6009:1994
Title: Hypodermic needles for single use - Colour coding for identification (ISO 6009:1994)
Organization: SN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
Title: Council Directive on the Advertising of Medicinal Products for Human Use
Organization: EU
Year: 1992
Status: Active
DS/EN ISO 13230
Title: Ophtalmic optics - Bar code specifications
Organization: DS
Year: 1999
Status: Inactive
COM(87) 697
Title: Communication from the Commission - Extension of the Pharmaceutical Directives to Medicinal Products Not Yet Covered
Organization: EU
Year: 1988
Status: Active
Title: Biotechnology. Vocabulary. Genetic engineering.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1988
Status: Active
DIN EN 1060-4
Title: Non-invasive sphygmomanometers - Part 4: Test procedures to determine the overall system accuracy of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers; German version EN 1060-4:2004
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
EN 867-5
Title: Non-Biological Systems for Use in Sterilizers - Part 5: Specification for Indicator Systems and Process Challenge Devices for Use in Performance Testing for Small Sterilizers Type B and Type S
Organization: CEN
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 8980-5
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 5: Minimum requirements for spectacle lens surfaces claimed to be abrasion-resistant (ISO 8980-5:2005)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
SN EN ISO 22803
Title: Dentistry - Membrane materials for guided tissue regeneration in oral and maxillofacial surgery - Contents of a technical file (ISO 22803:2004)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2005
Status: Active
NF EN ISO 7899-1
Title: Water quality - Detection and enumeration of intestinal enterococci in surface and waste water - Part 1 : miniaturized method (Most Probable Number) by inoculation in liquid medium
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1999
Status: Active
NS 4358:1985
Title: Health service - Cotton knitwear T-shirts
Organization: SN
Year: 1985
Status: Active
DIN EN 12439
Title: Sterile rectal catheters for single use; German version EN 12439:1998
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
DIN 13902-1
Title: Dentistry - Terminology of oral implantology - Part 1: Endosseous dental implant systems
Organization: DIN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DIN ISO 8871-5
Title: Elastomeric parts for parenterals and for devices for pharmaceutical use - Part 5: Functional requirements and testing (ISO 8871-5:2005), text in German and English
Organization: DIN
Year: 2006
Status: Inactive
DS 2253
Title: Water quality - Determination of aerobic proteolytic bacteria at 30 Centigrades
Organization: DS
Year: 1983
Status: Inactive
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Laboratory abrasive instruments (ISO 7786:2001); English version of DIN EN ISO 7786
Organization: DIN
Year: 2001
Status: Active
DS/EN 60601-2-30
Title: Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-30: Particular requirements for the safety, including essential performance, of automatic cycling non-invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment
Organization: DS
Year: 2001
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 14233:2003
Title: Dentistry - Polymer-based die materials (ISO 14233:2003)
Organization: SN
Year: 2003
Status: Active
SNV 056526
Title: Implants chirurgicaux; Vis pour os; Dimensions extérieures des vis pour os spongieux avec tête de vis à base conique
Organization: SNV
Year: 1975
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 8980-2:2004
Title: Ophthalmic optics - Uncut finished spectacle lenses - Part 2: Specifications for progressive power lenses (ISO 8980-2:2004) - (Corrigendum AC:2006 incorporated)
Organization: SN
Year: 2004
Status: Inactive
DIN 58901-1
Title: Haemostaseology - Determination of factor VII coagulant activity (F VII C) - Part 1: Reference measurement procedure for the one-stage method
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 7864:1995
Title: Sterile hypodermic needles for single use (ISO 7864:1993)
Organization: SN
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
VG 58260
Title: Medizinische Instrumente; Unterbindungsnadeln nach Deschamps
Organization: DIN
Year: 1994
Status: Inactive
DIN 58936-1
Title: Quality management in laboratory medicine - Part 1: Basic terminology
Organization: DIN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 7711-3:1995
Title: Dental rotary instruments - Diamond instruments - Part 3: Grit sizes, designation and colour code (ISO 7711-3:1992)
Organization: SN
Year: 1995
Status: Inactive
SN EN 1040
Title: Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of basic bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics - Test method and requirements (pha...
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
NS-ISO 7491:1985
Title: Dental materials - Determination of colour stability of dental polymeric materials - (= EN 27491:1991) (ISO 7491:1985)
Organization: SN
Year: 1991
Status: Inactive
NS-EN 1865:1999
Title: Specifications for stretchers and other patient handling equipment used in road ambulances
Organization: SN
Year: 2000
Status: Inactive
ENV 1068
Title: Medical informatics - Healthcare information interchange - Registration of coding schemes
Organization: CEN
Year: 1993
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 11990
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Determination of laser resistance of tracheal tube shafts (ISO 11990:2003)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
XP T90-451
Title: Testing water - Detection of enterovirus - Method by concentration on glass wool and detection by cell culture
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1996
Status: Inactive
EN 61262-2
Title: Medical Electrical Equipment - Characteristics of Electro-Optical X-Ray Image Intensifiers Part 2: Determination of the Conversion Factor
Organization: CENELEC
Year: 1994
Status: Active
DIN EN 12460
Title: Biotechnology - Large-scale process and production - Guidance on equipment selection and installation in accordance with the biological risk; German version EN 12460:1998
Organization: DIN
Year: 1998
Status: Active
NS 604:1976
Title: Cotton fabric clothing - General requirements
Organization: SN
Year: 1976
Status: Inactive
NS-EN ISO 6875:1996
Title: Dental equipment - Dental patient chair (ISO 6875:1995)
Organization: SN
Year: 1997
Status: Inactive
DS/CWA 14660
Title: Traceability of fishery products - Specification on the information to be recorded in captured fish distribution chains
Organization: DS
Year: 2003
Status: Inactive
NF EN ISO 13397-1
Title: Periodontal curettes, dental scalers and excavators. Part 1 : general requirements.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1996
Status: Active
NF S94-167-6
Title: Implants for surgery. Artificial ligaments. Part 6 : characterization of dimensions.
Organization: AFNOR
Year: 1998
Status: Active
NS-EN ISO 8598:1998
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Focimeters (ISO 8598:1996)
Organization: SN
Year: 1998
Status: Inactive
DS/EN 13503-7
Title: Ophthalmic implants - Intraocular lenses - Part 7: Clinical investigations
Organization: DS
Year: 2002
Status: Inactive
SN EN ISO 9342-2
Title: Optics and optical instruments - Test lenses for calibration of focimeters - Part 2: Test lenses for focimeters used for measuring contact lenses (ISO 9342-2:2005)
Organization: SNV
Year: 2006
Status: Active
